
STEEL S4 EV aims at putting high strength steels at the forefront of a new trend in electric vehicles: light vehicles with three or four wheels that comply with crash regulation and with more restrictive Euro NCAP demands. Weld joint design and welding methodologies research to maintain the material properties in the weld area, assuring robustness and long term durability.
Cost-effective low-investment manufacturing will be achieved by a modular and flexible structural design: a complex 3D skeleton frame of welded tubes, bent with high accuracy using programmed laser cuts will enable the production of different vehicles sharing the same tooling.
STEEL S4 EV is funded by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS). The RFCS supports research projects in coal and steel sectors. These projects cover: production processes; application, utilisation and conversion of resources; safety at work; environmental protection and reducing CO2 emissions from coal use and steel production. The revenues generated from the assets of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) which have been transferred to the European Union in 2002 are used to support the RFCS research programme activities. For more information on the RFCS please visit: http://ec.europa.eu/research/industrial_technologies/rfcs_en.html